Senopati 'Batang Gothic Metal'

Band yang terbentuk 17 agustus 2008 ini.
Hanyalah segelintir dari sekian banyak musisi dari indonesia.
Yang akan terus berkarya dan terus berkarya.
Setelah sekian lama mempelajari teori dan praktek vocal maupun alat musik.
Akhirnya kami punya niat membentuk group band metal yang bernama
... " SENOPATI "
segala curahan dan kejadian yang ada disekitar kita,
telah kami tumpahkan kedalam karya-karya kami ini.

Walaupun masih banyak kekurangan.
Tetapi kami tidak pernah merasa bosan untuk belajar dan terus belajar.
dan Kami tidak akan mengumbar sisi keistimewaan dalam diri kami.
Biarlah kalian semua yang menilai.
Karna tanpa kalian, kami bukanlah siapa-siapa.

Begitu banyak juga musisi,artis sampai tokoh yang kami sukai.
Hingga kami tidak bisa menyebutkan satu persatu.

yang penting terus semangat berkarya

Sample song from Senopati
1.  Penyesalan
2. Cahaya Kehidupan
sedikit info tentang ban dari saya. heheheh

Artist Summary

Genres: Metal / gothic
Label: Indie
Management: +628985866324

Artist Bio

The band formed 17 August 2008.
Just a handful of the many musicians from Indonesia.
Which will continue to work and continue working.
After all this time studying the theory and practice of vocal and musical instruments.
Finally we have the intention to form a metal band named group
The now-membered:
Risna : famale vocals
Enoe : guitars & vocals scream
(looking for) : guitar
Educate : Basst
(looking for) : Drums
all the outpourings and events that exist around us,
we pour into our work.
Although there are still many shortcomings.
But we never felt bored to learn and keep learning.
and We will not feature in the self-indulgence in our side.
Let all of you who judge.
Because without you, we are nothing.
So many are also musicians, artists until the characters we like.
Until we can not mention one by one.
important work continues the spirit of
former personnel :
wira = vocals 2008-2009
Reren = vocals 2009-2011
Alvin = backup vocals 2011
bojes = bass 2009-2011
bakto = drums 2008-2011
pa'i = guitar 2008-2011

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:)) ;)) ;;) :D ;) :p :(( :) :( :X =(( :-o :-/ :-* :| 8-} :)] ~x( :-t b-( :-L x( =))